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New! The life of a designer

New chapter in the elucubrations of Nimue that you will find in“Nimue Creations”: The Life of a Creator and its chapters.

Work in progress, follow step by step the creation of an embroidery grid

Learning to evaluate colors in relation to each other takes a lot of time because the eye must be refined. When we are finally able to embark on the interpretation of an image, nothing is taken for granted in advance.

I propose you to follow during various episodes the progress of an embroidery grid creation in immersion mode. To be followed in “Nimue Créations”.

I'm learning how to create my own grids

In the spring of 2020 I did a little survey of you to find out what you would like to learn or know how to do etc. Many want to learn how to choose colors to make a grid and this is what you can now do in “Learn to Create…”

Picture of Nimue


Fairy Lady, Enchantress, Adoptive Mother of Lancelot du Lac, Bewitcher of Merlin, she weaves her web in the forest of Brocéliande. She embroiders her life and sometimes that of others...

by the way

My name is Annaïck and I have been creating embroidery patterns for 20 years now. I created Nimuë in May 2002 after running a castle in the forest of Brocéliande for 9 years. In this place called the Arthurian Imaginary Center I immersed myself in Celtic mythology, the literature of the Middle Ages related to King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table. It’s my strongest personal setting. I felt perfectly at ease defending a myth, values and aesthetics.

This is also where I met most of the illustrators and painters I work with today. Their works are fantastic to create fabulous embroideries: the imaginary, the Fantasy.

My intention has always been to create fascinating grids to embroider. I don’t just reproduce an image. I want your experience as an embroiderer to be magical, that the path to the result is full of twists and turns. I care at every moment about what you will experience while making your work.
Expect variations during the same embroidery because that is my intention.

What you embroider is what you tell about yourself. If you choose one of these unique embroideries, it’s because the imagination is calling you, which is specific to people who need to escape into personal bubbles, with this meditative dimension that the gesture of embroidering brings.

So welcome to the Land of Embroidery, Brocéliande, Féerie and other Small Peoples.

Thank you for being here!

Good year


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