
Nimue Creations

The Life of a Creator

Tale of Nimuë: Happy Creative Year 2023 to all!

Tale of Nimuë One day I opened a door… and walked through Chapter I: I didn’t know when I entered there, that way, that it would lead me to my home. To reach it, I tread on the ground strewn with dead leaves the

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The Life of a Creator

How geopolitics impacts embroidery

Geopolitics, politics and news items When you start embroidery you don’t think that your life will be impacted by geopolitics. And yet… How geopolitics, politics and various social events impact a micro-activity nestled in its green forest setting. Geopolitics: Currency 20 years ago we

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Salon des Créateurs de broderie, Oléron

Salon, what is a salon? I take advantage of this small Salon des Créateurs lived in Oléron to tell you what this type of event represents for creators in terms of organization. First of all it is prepared weeks in advance. If you are

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The Life of a Creator

Become an Embroidery Designer

Part 1: How do you know it’s THE right idea. How do you become independent? How do you create your business and how do you know it’s THE right idea. One can legitimately ask oneself what makes one day oneself a creator of embroidery?

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become an embroidery designer
The Life of a Creator

Become an Embroidery Designer 2

Part 2: IDEE takes power This story of software dedicated to embroidery excited me. I’ve loved computers for a long time. I have always been fascinated by publishing, by being able to do at home what is normally reserved for professionals. It is a

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Nimue embroidery genese
The Life of a Creator

Become an Embroidery Designer 3

Part 3: First Days of Nimuë Fairy Hand It is no longer possible to turn back… continuation of Becoming an Embroidery Designer. The week of official creation of my company, my banker gets sick and disappears into the nimbes. My business is created and

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Picture of Annaïck Chauvel

Annaïck Chauvel

Welcome to the story of Nimue’s Creations. Here I share with you the How and Why of these creations.

Table of Materials

Good year


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