
Mystery of the 20 years of Nimuë (Grid/Chart)

Mystery Grid (Patron/Pattern)

8,00 / mois pour 4 mois


In the shoes of a designer: Mystery Chart 20 years of Nimuë (diagram)

  • Through this experience, I invite you to touch the heart of creation. We are going to embroider together the next pattern of Nimuë.
  • On a natural linen canvas 50 x 80 cm, 14 threads or 12 threads, we will progress together, step by step, until the final bouquet in May.
    Then you will have one month to finish your work by hand.
    But we’ll talk about that later.
  • You don’t know the reason, therein lies the mystery. Be aware, however, that it could be the synthesis of what you have liked about Nimuë over the past 20 years.
  • As soon as you register, you will need to bring a 14-thread or 12-thread natural linen coupon. Avoid aida if possible.
  • Bring your favorite needle or needles.
  • By email, you will receive the parts of the chart to embroider as I progress myself in its development. You will all start on the same day.
  • Some parts will be left on hold and will be resumed at the very end for finishing. So don’t expect any outlines or special thread sets or accessories during the progression.
  • When all the crosses are embroidered and the time for finishing touches comes, you will be able to access the special haberdashery set as always.

Ready to play the creative game? Sign up!

Click here to get yourself a 50 x 80 cm 14-thread or 12-thread linen coupon…

à noter :
Toutes les grilles sont bilingues Français/Anglais.
Celles crées depuis 2014 sont également en Russe.

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