
Nimue Création Pas à Pas

Il y a quelques mois de cela j’ai eu envie d’écrire sur le processus de création soit de manière générale soit les particularités liées à un sujet précis en cours. Et comme ces articles sont plébiscités par beaucoup d’entre-vous, je continue…

Dans cette partie du site vous trouverez donc des articles qui racontent comment une création s’élabore pas à pas, mêlant questions techniques, économiques et poétiques.
Et surtout n’hésitez pas à laisser vos commentaires à la fin de l’article. Bonne Lecture ! 

Tale of Nimuë: Happy Creative Year 2023 to all!

Tale of Nimuë One day I opened a door... and walked through

Chapter I:
I didn’t know when I entered there, that way, that it would lead me to my home. To reach it, I tread on the ground strewn with dead leaves the size of my hands. The moss covers almost all the approaches to the porch. Sometimes you have to bend down to avoid some biting brambles. Walk like a crab and tuck in your belly so as not to take all the dew with you, balanced on the small leaves of the bush rose. Despite this, it is a gentle path full of promise…

Is it a gate or a portcullis?

Chapter II:
OH ! But what do I see? a wall, an enclosure, and beyond that a castle, and beyond that a lake!
Thus, without my being prepared for it, Adventure invites itself into my life. It takes on the appearance of a castle, the first rampart towards the invisible, because beyond the waters of the lake opens a World, The Other World, that of gifted and elegant beings, that of Giants and Fairies, that of the Little People and the treasures buried under the stones. The lake hides a much more scintillating palace. A crystal palace. Only those who are invited can see it.
I’m waiting. I wait and I embroider.
Thus, the color, made of a thousand points, bursts before my eyes and spreads over the linen of my existence. I feel the Wonder. My heart in my chest leaps with joy and asks for more again and again.
Inspired by the buried decor, which hides from my human eyes, I try to guess the attractive and magnetic faces of the Enchanted Forest.
be continued…

In the heart of the forest

Chapter III:
The forest is an island, the balance there is precarious.
A mythical forest is a forest that calls. It designates those who will raise their towers there. The human, in his innocence, imagines having free choice and argues to anyone who will listen that he has chosen to live here. Is this really the case?
We see there a manor house, its approach is charming, we see ourselves there as at home. An exuberant Green spreads all around endlessly with trunks linked to each other in underground filaments and here we are like Merlin, forever enclosed in its dizzying ramifications. This is how Brocéliande la Troublante works.
Some will say that from the humus we inhale immemorial memories that resonate within us in harmonious music, with ancestral accents that move us. That we hear and feel here those who preceded us, without really knowing if it comes from here, from elsewhere, from inside, below, between… it comes. It is there.
Through us tradition, through us knowledge, through us Nature, through us the luxuriance of greens and its infinite shades, through us ephemeral residents, the rosary of universal notes that pour out and spread beyond from the edge.
We are his willing little elves, happy to serve something greater than ourselves.
Thus is written on the canvas, cross (note) after cross (note) the enchanted music of Brocéliande.


Chapter IV:
While thread after thread illustrates the poetry of the Arthurian imagination, hovers the taste for Adventure and that of courteous stories. A scent of magic hangs in the air. My thoughts take flight and gather the pollen of my future creations. From here, I only have to stretch out my arm, my hand, my finger, to touch and grab the sparkling treasures that light up the days and nights.
My house, like a hot air balloon, rises like a protective bug in the land of the imaginary and navigates according to the winds and desires. A bit of pearls of light, a bit of charms with copper metal accents, a bit of gold or silver lamé ribbons, a bit of cloud mohair, birds carrying fairies and my starry picking fills up in a day.
Do you now also smell this perfume that awakens the Wonderful?

New era 2023

Chapter V:
Thus Wonder after Wonder, wooden ball after wooden ball, little Nimue takes root under her protective arch located in the heart of the Mythical forest of Brocéliande, born to serve greater than oneself, born to create Harmony and Softness in colorful notes of cotton threads and other shimmers.
She hopes to be worthy of the beauty of the World, its nobility and its marvelous complexity by not giving in to ease. She hopes to embark with her all the joyful souls, eager for a silky and deep world, dotted with small crosses dispensed elegantly.
This story has no end. Rather a notice for immediate boarding in Nimue 2023’s watermarked shuttle…
Happy new year to all!

Don’t hesitate to leave your comments below!

Image de Annaïck Chauvel

Annaïck Chauvel

Bienvenue dans l’histoire des Créations de Nimue. Ici je partage avec vous le Comment et le Pourquoi de ces créations.

Table des matières

Merlin, épisode 5

Merlin le facétieux Il se joue de moi et du temps…Merlin apparu un jour sous la forme d’un cerf à 5 cors. C’est sa seule

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Terrain – épisode 2

Je suis une personne de terrain… Créer un paysage Depuis le premier épisode je me suis lancée dans une nouvelle aventure de manière concrète à

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Merlin, épisode 4

Le Décor Broderie… En remontant la souche vers le ciel, je quitte les verts foncés pour la partie éclairée de la branche.Le contraste est saisissant.

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Être ou ne pas être.. une personne de terrain Je suis ce qui s’appelle une personne de terrain. Je me sens épanouie lorsque physiquement je

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Merlin, épisode 3

Broder mieux que Contempler ? Ce qui m’intéresse dans la broderie c’est de broder, bien plus que de contempler. Une fois la broderie terminée, elle peut

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Merlin, épisode 2

La Broderie qui se Raconte 1- Le plus important dans tout ce que l’on crée c’est ce que l’on raconte. Si deux personnes distinctes créent une

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Merlin l'Encahnteur

Merlin, épisode 1

Préparation de l’ouvrage Avant de commencer un ouvrage il est important de savoir : qu’est-ce que l’on veut raconter où l’on va en terme d’esthétique

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Bonne Année


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